How Long Does It Take to Get Approval on Ezoic?

If you are a website owner looking for a way to increase your revenue and improve your user experience, you might have heard of Ezoic. Ezoic is a platform that uses artificial intelligence to optimize your website's layout, ads, and content for each visitor. Ezoic claims to help publishers increase their earnings by 50-250% while also improving their site speed and SEO.

But before you can start using Ezoic's features, you need to get approval from them. How long does it take to get approval on Ezoic? And what are the factors that affect the approval process? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and share some tips on how to get approved faster.

What are the requirements for Ezoic approval?

Ezoic has some basic requirements that you need to meet before you can apply for approval. These include:

- Having a website that is live and accessible
- Having at least 10,000 monthly pageviews, now they also have allowed less than 10k monthly pageviews
- Having original and quality content that complies with Google's policies
- Having a custom domain name (not a subdomain or a free domain)

If you meet these requirements, you can create an account with Ezoic and submit your website for review.

How long does it take to get approved by Ezoic?

According to Ezoic's FAQ, creating an account with Ezoic is easy and takes 30 seconds. After creating an account, you must integrate your website with Ezoic. Integration time varies by the integration option selected. Everyone who signs up with Ezoic can complete integration, setup, and be approved in less than 24-48 hours after creating an account.

However, some publishers have reported that it took longer than 48 hours to get approved by Ezoic. For example, one publisher posted on the Ezoic Community forum that it took 10 days to get approved by Ezoic. Another publisher shared on his blog that it took 4 days to get approved by Ezoic.

Why does the approval time vary?

The approval time may vary depending on several factors, such as:

- The quality and quantity of your content
- The traffic and niche of your website
- The availability and responsiveness of the Ezoic support team
- The technical issues or errors that may arise during the integration process

To speed up the approval process, you should make sure that your website meets the requirements mentioned above and follow the instructions provided by Ezoic. You should also contact the Ezoic support team if you encounter any problems or have any questions.

How long does it take to get approved by Google Ad Exchange?

After getting approved by Ezoic, you also need to get approved by Google Ad Exchange (AdX), which is Google's premium ad network that offers higher-paying ads than AdSense. Ezoic has a partnership with Google AdX, which means that you can access AdX ads through Ezoic without having a direct account with Google.

To get approved by Google AdX, you need to follow the Google Approval Checklist provided by Ezoic. This checklist includes:

- Verifying your site ownership
- Adding a privacy policy
- Adding an ads.txt file
- Removing any existing ad code from your site
- Enabling HTTPS on your site

According to Ezoic, a typical Google AdX account approval is within 1-3 hours (although these numbers may vary).

How long does it take for and to get approved by Ezoic?

To illustrate how long it takes to get approval on Ezoic, let's look at two examples of websites that applied for Ezoic: and is a website that provides information and tips on dog collars, beds, and harnesses. It has about 20,000 monthly pageviews and uses WordPress as its CMS. is a website that offers reviews and guides on cat products, such as collars,beds and harnesses. It has about 10,000 monthly pageviews and also uses WordPress as its CMS.

Both websites applied for Ezoic in May 2023 and followed the same integration method: using the WordPress plugin. However, they had different approval times. took 16 hours to get approved by Ezoic. It submitted its website for review at 10:00 PM on May 2nd and received an email confirmation from Ezoic on May 3rd. It then followed the Google Approval Checklist and got approved by Google AdX within an hour. took 4 days to get approved by Ezoic. It submitted its website for review at 10:00 AM on May 2nd and received an email confirmation from Ezoic at 2:00 PM on May 6th. It then followed the Google Approval Checklist and got approved by Google AdX within an hour.

Why did get approved faster than

There are several possible reasons why got approved faster than by Ezoic. Some of them are:

- has more traffic than, which may indicate higher quality and popularity.
- has more content than, which may show more diversity and originality.
- has a more common niche than, which may be easier to match with relevant ads.
- submitted its website earlier than, which may have given it an advantage in the queue.
- encountered fewer technical issues than during the integration process.

Of course, these are just speculations based on limited information. The actual reasons may be different or unknown.


Getting approval on Ezoic is not a difficult or lengthy process if you meet the requirements and follow the instructions. However, the approval time may vary depending on various factors that are beyond your control. Therefore, you should be patient and proactive when applying for Ezoic.

Ezoic is a platform that can help you increase your revenue and improve your user experience by using artificial intelligence to optimize your website's layout, ads, and content for each visitor. If you are interested in trying out Ezoic's features, you can sign up here.