Ultimate guide to Search engine optimization

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. When we type keywords into Google (or any search engine) and end up on a website, this is known as “organic” traffic. We want our websites to rank high in search engines for those keywords, right? So how does SEO work? Every website owner knows they need content on their site, but not many know just exactly what they should be doing with their content.

When looking for a web developer, they may say something along these lines: “I need a good web designer who also specializes in SEO.” That doesn’t mean much to us, but it means a lot to Google. If we don’t have a strong SEO strategy in place, we won’t get the organic traffic that we want.

The first step towards getting quality organic SEO results is to create great content. It makes sense. But then again, if you read everything written about SEO, you would think that it was the only thing you had to do. Just build some amazing content. Right? Not quite!

To make sure you’re ranking well organically, there are several things you can do. You need to optimize each page individually—not once, but over and over again until you have optimized each page properly. After all, no two pages are alike; therefore, neither are their requirements for optimization.

First, let’s talk about the title tag. Titles are the H1 tags of SEO. They are what people actually click on when they land on your page. Therefore, put a lot of thought into them. What words best describe your business? Is it a small local flower shop, or a nationwide wholesale distributor? Can someone really be successful without a catchy title? Also, consider using long-tail keywords here instead of generic ones. Long-tail keywords are phrases that are longer than three words. Someone searching for “flowers online” wouldn’t necessarily use “flower shop.” However, someone searching for “online florist would. Always go for the keyword phrase that is searched most often.

Next, headings play an important role in SEO. Headings are H2, H3, etc., tags. They tell the search engine where to place your text. Think of them like a headline for a magazine article. An ecommerce store might have a product description, but it could also have subheadings under the product description.

You want to add keywords throughout your entire site’s content—the articles themselves, the blog posts, even the images. In fact, if you have a picture of a flower that you sell, you want to put the word “rose” somewhere in the image file name, in the alt tags, metadata, caption, and description. Remember, though, you also want the keyword to naturally appear in the body of the text. Don’t stuff keywords in your content just to increase your rankings

How To Get Your Blog Noticed By Google Using SEO Techniques:

Some practices that need to be followed to rank your website on google are given below:

Keyword Research:
Keywords are the main way people search online. When someone searches for something on Google, they have chosen a keyword or keywords that they want to find information about. So, if you want your website to rank high in Google for certain keywords, you need to make sure those keywords appear naturally throughout your content. You can do this by structuring your content around keywords, making sure that the right keywords are used often, and ensuring that your site’s URL ends with relevant keywords (e.g., “cannabis-growing-guide.com/grow-your-own-weed-online/”). You can also use tools like Google AdWords to help determine which keywords to target.

Website Architecture & Design:
If you were designing a house, you would take into account things like building materials, placement of rooms, and floor plans. A good SEO uses these same principles when planning their websites and blog posts. Your goal should be to create a well-designed website that makes sense. Websites with clean, clear formatting are easier to navigate and read through than sites filled with clutter. Avoid using excessive images, videos, links, and social media icons; instead, keep the amount of design elements to a minimum, and focus more on how the page looks rather than what it looks like.

Content Marketing:
The best way to drive traffic to your site is to provide useful, engaging content that keeps visitors coming back and encourages them to share your website with others. In general, the more original and informative your content is, the higher it ranks in search engines. If you write a lot of articles about similar topics, then Google may decide that your website lacks originality and relevance, and penalize it accordingly. By providing unique and interesting information, you become a trusted resource among your peers and attract new readers who enjoy your style.

Social Media Integration:
Social media integration is becoming increasingly popular. Facebook pages and Twitter accounts allow you to share updates and interact with other users, while YouTube channels let you upload video tutorials and build a following. Since many people now look to social media first to find out about products and services, having an active social media presence helps increase brand awareness and customer loyalty. While you don't necessarily have to set up your own website and blog, you should definitely consider setting up a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest page. You'll be able to communicate directly with your customers and give them news about your business, answer questions, and promote sales.

Onsite & Offsite SEO:
Onsite SEO refers to the optimization efforts that go on behind the scenes of your website, like the title tags and meta description tags you add to each post. These tags help search engine algorithms understand what your page is about and whether it matches any user queries. Offsite SEO refers to the marketing strategies you use outside of your site. Things like link-building campaigns, press releases, and guest posting are some offsite methods that you can implement to spread the word about your website and gain exposure.

Link Building:
A link is when someone sends traffic to your website from somewhere else. To get links, you can either ask other websites to send traffic to yours, or you can buy them. Buying links is called link building and the two ways to do this are:

a) Paid Links - You pay websites or individuals to send traffic to your site.
b) Non-paid Links - You create useful content, and then email blogs and webmasters asking if they'd be interested in hosting a reference to your article or product.